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Chicken Kiev

Traditional Russian Chicken Kiev recipe

Chicken Kiev (Rus. Котлета по-киевски, lit. ‘Kiev-style cutlet’) is an extravagant dish which is worth the efforts as it will be a pleasure both to the eye and mouth. It is a chicken breast wrapped around garlic and parsley butter, and then breaded or either baked or fried. When you cut through the hot meal, the melted butter with herbs will elegantly leak out adding a chic to the look of the meal.

Despite its name, it is not a Ukrainian but a Russian dish – a Russian culinary historian William Pokhlyobkin tracked the origin of the recipe back to the early 20th century where it appeared in the Moscow Merchants’ Club and later was given its present name – ‘Kiev-style cutlet – by a Soviet restaurant.

In the original recipe, the cutlet is wrapped around the wing bone which then sticks out like a handle. It must be noted though that this extra twist requires a lot of expertise and skills in cutting the meat so it’s more fun watching the professional chefs do it than trying to reproduce the technique on your own. In everyday life you can go with just a normal boneless chicken breast – at the end of the day that bone is just a show-off.

Chicken Kiev Recipe

By myRussianFoods.com Published: February 9, 2014

    [ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] Chicken Kiev (Rus. Котлета по-киевски, lit. 'Kiev-style cutlet') is …


    • 2 skinless chicken breasts
    • 115 gr butter, slightly softened (4 oz)
    • 3 garlic cloves
    • 1 tsp parsley chopped
    • 1 egg beaten
    • 2 tbs plain flour
    • 10 tbs bread crumbs
    • salt, pepper
    • olive oil (for frying)
    • 10 tbs flour


      • Prepare the chicken breasts using the butterfly technique:
        Remove the little fillet cutting through the connecting tissue.
        Place the bigger chicken breast on a work surface. With a long sharp knife slice from the long side of the chicken almost to the end using a sawing motion. Be careful not to cut all the way through.
        Fold the chicken out. Cover the chicken breast and the small fillet with a cling film and flatten with a pot or flat side of the meat hammer.

      • Prepare the butter:
        Finely slice the peeled garlic, put into a bowl, add salt and chopped parsley and press with a spoon or mortar to release juice and fragrance. Mix with softened butter.

      • Make cones out of the garlic butter mixture, place onto one side of the flattened chicken breast and thoroughly wrap to the opposite side. If you have any holes in the wrap cover them with a small fillet. Put the chicken wraps into the fridge.

      • Prepare three bowls: one with a beaten egg wash, one with bread crumbs seasoned with salt and pepper, and one with flour.

      • Take the chicken wraps out of the fridge. Dredge them in the flour, then dip into the beaten egg, then in the breadcrumbs to coat completely. Return them then back into the egg wash, and again into the breadcrumbs and shake off any excess. Put on a dish and place back into the fridge for at least 15minutes. This way the butter will solidify a little and won't leak out when frying.

      • Heat the oil in an ovenproof frying pan and fry the chicken breasts on all sides until lightly browned. Transfer to the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes, or until golden-brown and completely cooked through.

      • Serve with rice or vegetables.


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