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Lingonberry mors

Traditional Russian infused berry drink mors comes in many varieties – depending on the berries you use, or what extra flavours you want to add – lemon, cloves, cinnamon etc. What unites these drinks is that they are refreshing and natural.

This easy mors is made from lingonberries – similar to cranberries. You can get these frozen berries in IKEA or in a Russian shop. Or use cranberries instead.

Lingonberry mors

By admin Published: October 12, 2013

    Traditional Russian infused berry drink mors comes in many varieties – depending on the berries you use, or what extra flavours you …


    • 1.5 litres cold drinking water
    • 2 tablespoons fine sugar (or the same amount of fine sugar)


    1. Mash the berries with mortar in a bowl.

    2. Over a bigger bowl press the berry mash through the sieve with a spoon. This will give us two substances – berry pulp in the sieve and the juice in the bowl. Collect the juice into the glass and put it into the fridge for a while.

    3. Put berry pulp into the pan, pour 1.5 litres water and bring to boil on the high heat.
      As soon as the water with the pulp starts boiling, switch off the heat and add honey or sugar. Stir well to dissolve the honey/sugar.

    4. Cool the water down.
      When the drink has cooled down, filter it through the sieve covered by a piece of cloth. Discard the pulp.

    5. Mix the filtered berry water and the previously collected juice.
      Rerefrigerate and enjoy.

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