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Buckwheat braised with turkey

Healthy Russian food buckwheat with turkey recipe

Russian dietary meal recipe with healthy buckwheat that preserves all its nutrients and vitamins due to cooking technique.

Buckwheat braised with turkey Recipe

By myRussianFoods.com Published: February 2, 2014

    [ezcol_1third] [/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Russian dietary meal recipe with healthy buckwheat that preserves all its nutrients …


    • 600 grams turkey fillet
    • 1/2 glass buckwheat
    • 1 1/5 glass cold boiled water
    • 2-3 medium sized carrots
    • 1 onion
    • black pepper, red pepper and coriander powder
    • salt


      • Wash the buckwheat, remove any black seeds and pour over with cold boiled water. Leave over night. (Or do it in the morning for an evening meal)

      • Peal onion and carrot. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot and fry in vegetable oil. Separately fry diced turkey fillet until half-done.

      • Combine fried onions and carrot with turkey, add spices and salt, braise until almost ready.

      • Add the buckwheat (pour the water out first), mix and braise for 2-3 minutes.

      • Switch off the heat and leave under the lid for 15 minutes. The buckwheat will induce the turkey sauce and preserve all its vitamins.



      Comments (4)

      • Rudy


        For some reason we have a large patch of nettels in our backyard and in googling to find how best to get rid of I read that nettels are edible. This surprised me as we never considered them as such growing up years ago on the East Coast. I wondered about recipes and lo I came across Kimberley’s recipe for braised w/ gnocchi & nettels. We’ll have to give it a try here in San Diego. I had my 1st braised pork dish on Valentine’s and I have to agree w/ Elizabeth. It was fantastic!


      • My RussianFood.com


        Hi Rudy,
        Haha this is a fun way to discover indeed. And a fun way to get rid of the nettles is eating them – why not, they are full of goodness 😉


      • gbw


        Can be used for quiches and pastry fillings combined with crumbly cheeses. Makes most delicious pizza topping too.


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