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Russian Tula gingebread


Russian gingerbreads

Gingerbread is very popular in Russia and you can find a lot of varieties with different fillings or without. This popularity is reflected in many idioms mentioning this confectionery, for instance: “Even gingerbread won’t entice him/her to do something” (meaning a person will not get tempted to do something no matter what is offered in exchange).

A carrot and stick approach in Russian is called “gingerbread and whip” approach.

The most famous of all Russian gingerbreads is an imprinted Tula gingerbread from the city of Tula. Modern Tula gingerbreads typically contain jam or condensed milk, while traditionally they were made with honey. It has a rectangular and flat shape, and the imprinting is made with a help of a special printing form.

By the way, there is another traditional item associated with the abovementioned city — Tula samovar, because this city used to be a capital of samovar production. And an idiom “Going to Tula with your own samovar” means “bringing something of your own to a place where this same thing is in abundance and of much better quality”.

Anyway, Tula gingerbreads that are nowadays produced in compact-sized packages and along with other gingerbreads, are one of the most favourite tea-time treats in Russia.

Russian Tula gingerbread


Other Russian tea time treats:

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Comments (2)

  • Brandice


    This “free sharing” of inroimatfon seems too good to be true. Like communism.


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