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Cold borscht

In Russia this soup is called holodnik (from holod – cold) or svekolnik (from svekla – beetroot) and this recipe comes from Belarus.

This cold beetroot soup of pretty colour is perfect for summer days or as light healthy food. It is very easy to cook and it’s tastiest when it’s cooled down.

Cold Borscht

By admin Published: October 11, 2013

  • Yield: 2 ltr pot

[ezcol_2fifth id="" class="" style=""] [/ezcol_2fifth] [ezcol_3fifth_end id="" class="" style=""] In Russia this soup …


  • 2 medium beetroot
  • 1 cup sour cream + extra for serving
  • 1 large cucumber or 2 small ones
  • 1 scallions
  • 1 sprig dill + extra for serving
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 3 teaspoons sugar
  • 3 teaspoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons lemonjuice (freshly squeezed)
  • 3-5 tablespoons vinegar


  1. Wash and peel the beetroots, quarter them and boil until the beets are tender (approximately 30 minutes). Strain the cooking liquid into a big bowl/other pot to cool. Set the beetroots aside to cool too.

  2. To the cooled liquid add sugar, vinegar, lemon juice and whisk in the sour cream.

  3. Chop the dill and the scallions. Put into the large pot, salt and press with a spoon or mortar to release extra flavour. Cut the beets and cucumbers into small to medium dice and add to the pot with dill and scallions. Add the soup liquid to the pot. Put into fridge for at least 4 hours to cool down.

  4. Serve with egg cut in circles, ice cubes (optional), extra sprig of dill and a dollop of sour cream. Season to taste.


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