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Ivano-frankovsky Russian salad

IMG_2231Ivano-frankovskiy Russain salad is somewhat similar to Oliver salad but uses slightly different ingredients.

Ivano-Frankivskiy salad is rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A – 59.5%, beta-carotene – 55.9%, vitamin E – 15.7%, vitamin PP – 11.7%, calcium – 18%, phosphorus – 27.5%, cobalt – 15.9

Ivano-frankovsky Russian salad Recipe

By myRussianFoods.com Published: May 5, 2021

    Ivano-frankovskiy Russain salad is somewhat similar to Oliver salad but uses slightly different ingredients. Ivano-Frankivskiy salad …


    • 4 psc. carrot
    • green peas (canned)
    • 150 g cheese
    • 150 g green onion
    • 4 psc hard-boiled eggs
    • dill
    • salt, pepper to tast
    • mayonnanaise or smetana


      • Boil carrots, eggs and peel them.

      • Grate carrots, cheese.

      • Cut the egg and onion into cubes.

      • Add the peas.

      • Mix everything.

      • Season with salt and pepper to taste.

      • Place in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.

      • When serving, in a bowl mix the salad with mayonnaise and some sour cream.

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