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Vinegret Russian salad


How to make traditional Russian vinegret salad ingredients

Vinegret is a very popular salad in Russia and former USSR countries. In some families it is a popular dish on a celebration tables, but it can brighten up your weekly diet too. The main ingredients are boiled beetroots, carrots and potatoes, with pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut adding to the zingy flavour. To save time, you may boil the veggies in advance, say the evening before.

Variations include adding peas and fresh herbs and substituting onion with green onions. A tip for all the vegetables to preserve their original colours is to first mix beetroot with oil and then add other diced vegetables.

Vinegret Recipe

By myRussianFoods.com Published: March 9, 2014

    Vinegret [ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] Vinegret is a very popular salad in Russia and former USSR countries. …


    • 2 beetroots
    • 2 carrots
    • 3 potatoes
    • 1 onion
    • 200 gr sauerkraut (7 ounces)
    • salt
    • olive oil


      • Boil unpeeled vegetables: beetroots in one pot, and carrots and potatoes in another pot. Let them cool down.

      • Peel the vegetables. Dice the beetroots and mix with olive oil. Dice carrots, potatoes, onion and cucumbers, as well as sauerkraut, and mix with the beetroots.

      • Add more oil if needed. Adjust the salt.

      Tip 1. Oil. You should add oil if you are planning to serve the salad straight away. If you are not planning to serve the salad later, bring the diced and mixed vegetables to the fridge (beetroots in a separate bowl) and mix with oil before serving.
      Tip 2. Variations. Try adding some mustard to a new flavour/Substitute potatoes with beans/Or bake the veggies instead of boiling them.

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